Why Springs of living water ?
The world, a small interconnected village
These days , thanks to the internet, the world has become a small interconnected village. The children of today and tomorrow will no longer be able to escape contact with “the other” even if he the other is at the other “end” of the earth.
The problem of ideologies
One of the biggest unresolved problems in the world today is the ideologies that have fractured the human mind.
The texts called sacred- foundations of our societies
These ideologies all stem from the foundations of our societies, which are the belief systems of the “religions” which have shaped our civilizations and which are among the causes of our conflicts, often being exploited by those in power.
It is imperative to create an educational reference on these fundamentals which is essential for understanding the connected world of the 21st century.
A neutral and convincing frame of reference
Our aim is to create a neutral and convincing frame of reference in matters of spirituality, designed in close collaboration with women and men with lived, in-depth experience of spiritual realities, as well as collaboration with scientists …
A secular approach to religion
Our approach is secular, original, about the facts of religion.
André Chouraqui and his method
Why André Chouraqui?
Springs of Living Water aims to provide a repository for the presentation of each of the religions that have survived to the present day, their origins, their messages and their successive reforms and transformations. This pedagogy is intended to be universal and will take into account the latest discoveries of science on the elements mentioned.
The religious known as monotheistic, their journey, their teachings and the account of their schisms which have shaped universal history, will be presented as bases, exclusively in the version of André Chouraqui, who is the only man in the world to have translated and commented the their entire sacred texts during the second part of the twentieth century.
With a secular and scientific approach, Chouraqui practiced a new method of reinterpreting history, based on the facts and incorporating the idea that to understand the history of our ancestors and their writings we must try to recover the historical, geographical and political context of their time.
A word spoken today does not have the same meaning as it did a few millennia ago.
“Andre Chouraqui – L’Ecriture des Ecritures”
trailer 3 minutes:
To know more:
A unique body of work
Bring together the separated
This body of work, unique in the world, of which we have preserved the essential, was designed by Chouraqui with the sole aim of bringing together those who are separated, in the perspective of a peaceful world, the ultimate goal of all the spiritualties of the world.
Studies on the method of André Chouraqui
In French:
‘Traduire les textes sacrés : La méthode d’André Chouraqui par rapport à celle d’Eugène Nida’ écrit par le Dr. Francine Kaufmann Département de traducteurs, interprètes et traductologie Université Bar Ilan, Israël.
Pour comprendre la Bible: la leçon d’André Chouraqui
Version abrégée du livre de Cyril Aslanov, Éditions du Rocher, 1999
In English:
‘Translation for Transformation: André Chouraqui and His Unique Contribution to Interfaith Dialogue and Friendship’ – written by Dr. Murray Watson (“Sacred Texts and Human Contexts” conference 2013,Hickey Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY)